CWOps – Member #968

I am delighted to have been nominated and accepted as a member of CWOps – the CW Operators’ Club. I’m member number 968.CWOps

CWops encourages the use of CW in Amateur communications, and it supports CW activity through planned events. CWops promotes goodwill among Amateurs throughout the world, and it fosters the education of young people and others in matters related to Amateur Radio. CWops is International in scope, membership and management. Its focus is the use of CW, whether for contesting, DXing or ragchewing. Moreover, it supports every form of sending – if it’s CW, CWops supports it!

A candidate for membership must be nominated by at least four current members within a period of five months of initial publication of nomination. The candidate is called a nominee. Members who support the nominee are called sponsors. A nominee must be a licensed Amateur Radio operator, capable of sending and receiving International Morse Code (CW) at no less than 25 words per minute and should be capable of carrying on a conversation in English using CW.

More info at

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