Between 19 February 2014 and 27 February 2014, I was QRV as VP9/G7VJR from the QTH of Ed, VP9GE, near Grotto Bay in Bermuda. I travelled with Martin, VP9/G3ZAY, Dominic VP9/M0BLF and Rob VP9/M0VFC. Thanks for working us all! We’re were there “holiday style” and made around 16,000 QSOs, as well as exploring the island.
Bermuda licensing is for a maximum of 150W, so I was running 100W from my Elecraft K3. There was limited low band activity, but conditions were fairly good. Our grateful thanks to Ed, VP9GE, for letting us use his shack and generally being a great host.
- Log search URL:
- Locator: FM72PI
- IOTA reference: NA-005
- QSL via Charles, M0OXO:
Thinking of visiting Bermuda? I really recommend it! If you want to get on the air, head to and make contact with Ed.
vy 73