Francesco, IV3TMM has long been part of the core of DXers who work with the team at Club Log to improve our database of DXCC and CQ zone lookups. In this post, at Francesco’s request, I’m posting some files which he has prepared which contain a remarkable asset: Google Earth KMZ files which show the precise boundaries of the CQ Zones, and the ITU zones.
Using these files allows you to interactively tour the globe and look at the boundaries of the zones, and perhaps using locators check whether the zones are being mapped correctly.
Firstly, download Google Earth Pro ( and install it on your device.
Next, download the KMZ files (dated 2019-08-27):
When you load the files into Google Earth, you will see the zone boundaries overlayed on the surface of the map.
Thank you to Francesco for his hard work in building these files, and for his generosity in allowing them to be made public.