I’m thrilled to report to you that the half-billion mark has been passed, on 28 May 2018!
The 500 millionth QSO was uploaded by W4PG, who uploaded a QSO with ZL1BQD on 17m (FT8). Congratulations in equal parts to Robert, W4PG and Roly, ZL1BQD.
Here are the milestones I’ve recorded:
- October 2009: 10 million QSOs
- February 2010: 20 million QSOs
- August 2010: 30 million QSOs
- September 2012: 100 million QSOs
- June 2013: 170 million QSOs
- June 2015: 300 million QSOs
- May 2018: 500 million QSOs
A very special thank you to everyone who has uploaded a log; every single upload has helped make Club Log’s records more representative, especially when it comes to analysing trends and the most-wanted lists.
A thousand thanks…, no, a million – no, half-a-billion thanks! 😉
73, Michael G7VJR