VK9L/G7VJR Lord Howe Island, 15 – 20 April 2016

VK9L/G7VJR – Lord Howe Island – April 2016

I visited Lord Howe island, IOTA OC-004, between 15 April and 20 April 2016. I was QRV on the HF bands, with a TS-480HX 200W and CW only, using wire verticals. Baggage allowances on the Dash-8 aircraft are limited so I was unable to carry a linear, but I  picked a favourable north-facing QTH for QSOs with Europe and was able to make good progress working EU on 20m and 30m especially.

Log search: https://secure.clublog.org/logsearch/vk9l/g7vjr

QSLs are handled by Charles, M0OXO. I have uploaded my log to LoTW. I do not need your QSL card so I would prefer it if you could use OQRS with Charles, to ensure you get your card without incurring any waste.

Michael G7VJR

Lord Howe Island

Photo credit: https://www.lordhoweisland.info

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