MD4K and GD7VJR – Isle Of Man

I was active on 25/26 July 2009 at MD4K for the RSGB IOTA contest. We had a great time, with good openings on 10m and 15m. Thanks for the contacts! Hopefully we will have done well. As a guest op, … Continue reading
I was active on 25/26 July 2009 at MD4K for the RSGB IOTA contest. We had a great time, with good openings on 10m and 15m. Thanks for the contacts! Hopefully we will have done well. As a guest op, … Continue reading
Between 31 December 2008 and 09 January 2009, six members of the Cambridge University Wireless Society were QRV from Ascension Island using the call ZD8UW. I was on 160m and 80m CW – the other expedition members were on SSB … Continue reading
I had a great time at K3VOA for about 90mins today. Being a work day, Ken K4WZ took a long break to give me access to the station. I am extremely grateful to him. You may have worked Ken recently … Continue reading
Guernsey Along with Martin GU3ZAY and Phil MU0DEG, I was QRV from Guernsey for a short weekend dxpedition between 31 October 2008 and 2 November 2008. Conditions on LF were pretty good – I was especially pleased to work JA … Continue reading
Scotand Between 27 and 29 May 2006 I operated as GM7VJR/p from the Isle of Skye, Inner Hebrides group, IOTA EU-008. The station was located in the Quiraing, an interesting mountain-top location almost ideally suited to ham radio due to … Continue reading